Once upon a time, there were two women, Dana from New Hampshire and Mary from Indiana. They met and became friends in San Diego, and soon decided to embark together on a journey to Southeast Asia, seeking adventure. This is their story.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Death on Koh Phangan

Mary: If it had been a nice, slow, kind cockroach we could have made it work. One of us would have scooped it up into a glass or with a bag and thrown it outside. But it was a quick fucker, maliciously quick, and it raced across Dana's bed, so it had to die. You know those stories of mothers lifting cars to save their babies? That was me and this cockroach. But the cockroach was the car, not my baby, and I didn't lift it, but instead smashed the shit out of it with a sneaker.

It was the biggest cockroach I've ever seen.

In other news, Dana and I got a house today! Right around the corner from Agama yoga studio, and across the street from the beach. It is laid out with a big veranda, and three doors, each with different locks. One leads to the kitchen, and two doors go to the one bedroom we'll share. Why does the bedroom need two doors you ask? The answer is, I have no idea.

We also got a flat tire on our scooter today, which we found out only after riding it for an awkwardly long time down the coast road. A man fixed it, smoking a cigarette right next to the engine the whole time, while his itty-bitty nugget of a son looked on intently. We now have one scooter each (you were right, Dakota, way better), and they both have full tires.

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