Once upon a time, there were two women, Dana from New Hampshire and Mary from Indiana. They met and became friends in San Diego, and soon decided to embark together on a journey to Southeast Asia, seeking adventure. This is their story.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Fighting crime, hedging bets

My own Sweet D is a camera genius! Today, she taught me how to use the color pick and color switch functions on my camera, and the two of us had a grand old time in Dalat, creating photo art and drinking WAY too much iced coffee with condensed milk. One habit fed the other, and, well, you can see the results.

'Cado mountain

Vietnamese cafe. Can you tell from this picture how strong this coffee is? Or FROM MY TYPING! Seriously, I could climb three mountains and translate the Bible into Klingon right now, I'm so wired. But shush, I'm busy blogging.

Au Lac - a Buddhist restaurant with only vegetarian food. I'm not even going to try to joke about this one. This food was serious.

Small children and a bulldozer. Apparently, in Vietnam, safety has taken a holiday. Paul, does your Mom know about this?

1 comment:

Patty Jones said...

sunday night here, memorial day weekend, came by here to check on you two broads (sorry i never met dana) and see you're in Vietnam! wow!

mary, the tan looks good on ya. the smiles in all your photos speak as loud as your words.

travel merry!