Once upon a time, there were two women, Dana from New Hampshire and Mary from Indiana. They met and became friends in San Diego, and soon decided to embark together on a journey to Southeast Asia, seeking adventure. This is their story.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

ओं बेंग इन्कोम्पराब्ली गोर्गेओउस, एंड हाउ तो कोपे.

**Sorry, for some reason this computer will only allow me to write post titles in Thai. So we'll play "guess what it says"! What do you think?**

We've been settling nicely into our new home here, and the posting is sort of suffering as a result. Our weekdays are all pretty similar - Monday through Saturday, we practice physical yoga for two hours in the morning, then we have a break for lunch and swimming (and sometimes Thai massage, and fruit, and tea at the Art Cafe, and trips down to Tong Sala to trade books with a Thai bookseller named Pete, whose daughter just graduated from the University of Missouri!)

In the afternoon, we return for another, longer physical practice, and then an evening lecture. These are on everything from sublimating energy to body purification to tantra - some are definitely more exciting than others. By the evenings we're both exhausted - heat, plus emotionally and physically draining yoga and meditation practice, plus a purifying ritual that gets us up at 7 every morning - all these mean that we're usually in our one big king bed by 10, Dana taking pictures of Bif (Best Insect Friend - a brown praying mantis whose wife I may or may not have killed by accident) and me drifting of with the fan blowing my hair into all sorts of crazy peaks and towers that are pretty humorous in the morning.

So, we're not really traveling. We're in a routine, which can be hard for me, but healthy while we go through all the changes that the yoga program is causing in our minds and hearts. This much meditation and concentration of the mind is really damn hard. What's harder than thinking? Not thinking. And what's harder than writing a blog post when you don't have much to write about? Hmmm... :)

Anyway, thank god Dana is here to yell at the neighbors rooster. Otherwise I'd never get any sleep.

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